Bone Review

During my years in Middle School, I had an interest in collecting a comic book series called Bone, created by American Cartoonist Jeff Smith. The series was about three short, bald, and white creatures with big noses named “Fone Bone”, “Phoney Bone” and “Smiley Bone”, who are cousins and part of a species called “Bones”. In the story arc, they are run out of their city, Boneville, and end up in a 19th century human village where they meet a woman named Thorn and her grandmother, who offer to let them live on their farm and help them find a way to return home. Along the way, they face big hairy monsters known as “Rat Creatures” and befriend dragons.

During midway, the characters learn about Thorn’s secret history and a dreaded threat known as “The Lord Of The Locus”. All this eventually leads to a climatic battle for peace and harmony. All and all, the series of Bone is a fascinating adventure to follow, combined with it’s great art work, action, character design and it’s bits of humor. My true favorite part of reading the books was it’s humor; involving the characters providing comic relief when they got into tough and awkward situations.

It takes a good imagination to help create comics and cartoons, and in Jeff Smith’s case, he is by far one of the most greatest creative types to ever live. There are a total of nine books containing chapters of the series, and I have read them all. If you haven’t, then you  should look for them and buy them. That way, you too can experience and enjoy Bone as much as I did.

You can look up information about Jeff Smith and his work at


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