Marvel Topics: Batman

Batman is by far one of the greatest heroes to ever be created. Dark, tough and extremely protective of his home city, Bruce Wayne, A.K.A Batman, is what brings all you Marvel fans entertainment. What makes this hero the best is his bat-themed gadgets, awesome secret lair, special moves, and popular catchphrase. You probably know what I mean.

Another fantastic thing about Batman is that he has the most enemies beyond all the other heroes; from great ones like the Joker, to the most funny ones like the Condiment King. You can find a great Batman from Ben Affleck, Val Kilmer or Adam West, but the real one you are looking for is in the comic books. So turn of the TV, collect your cash, buy one at your nearest book store and get to reading.

In conclusion, for all things related to Batman, I give them two big thumbs up.


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